Prosopographie des Sāsānidenreiches im 3. Jahrhundert n.Chr.
The Sassanian Inscription of Paikuli [NPi]
© Dr. Ursula Weber - 07.05.2023 C Seite 1/10
Vorwort Abkürzungsverzeichnis Personenregister Orts- und Sachregister
Griechisches Wörterverzeichnis Karte des Sāsānidenreiches
NPi I: Introduction NPi II a: Main part a NPi II b: Main part b NPi III: Conclusion
ŠKZ I: Genealogie ŠKZ II: Hofstaat Pābags ŠKZ III: Hofstaat Ardašīrs I.
ŠKZ IV: Hofstaat Šābuhrs I. ŠKZ V: Frauen
The Sassanian Inscription of Paikuli [NPi]1
I. Introduction §§ 1-2 .......................................................................................................................... 1
II.1 Main part a §§ 3-32 ........................................................................................................................ 1
II.2 Main part b §§ 33-62 ...................................................................................................................... 4
II.3 Main part c §§ 63-90 ...................................................................................................................... 6
III. Conclusion §§ 91-95 ...................................................................................................................... 8
IV. Personenlisten der Pāikūlī-Inschrift .................................................................................................. 9
I. Introduction §§ 1-2
§ 1. I am the Mazdaean Majesty Narseh King of Kings of Ērān and Non-Ērān, whose origin (is) from
the Gods son of His Mazdean Majesty Šābuhr King [of Kings] of Ērān and Non-Ērān, [whose origin (is)
from the gods, grandson of the Majesty Ardaxšēr] King of Kings.
§ 2: This (is) the monument Pērōz-Anāhīd-Narseh. And we made this monument because ...[and]
place [(it) here ?] that [concerning ?] Us (?) [it should be known that ?].
II.1 Main part a §§ 3-32
1. From the death of Warahrān II till the meeting of Narseh and the dignitaries at Paikuli (§§ 3-32).
§ 3: [Thus We ...-] (at) the time when We were King of the Armenians. And We dwelt in Armenia
[until Warahrān, King of Kings, son of Warahrān ?] in Khuzistan passed away.
1 Der Text der Pāikūlī-Inschrift bezieht sich auf die Edition von H.Humbach/P.O.Skjaervø, The Sassa-
nian Inscription of Paikuli. Part 1-3. Wiesbaden, Teheran 1978-1983. - Textedition und Übers. befin-
den sich in P. 3.1(1983) 27-74. - Da die Anführungszeichen nicht einheitlich gesetzt wurden, habe ich
auf diese bei der Wiedergabe der Inschrift verzichtet (Verf.).
Durch den Fund von 106 neuen Inschriftenfragmenten konnten viele Lücken der stark beschädigten
Pāikūlī-Inschrift gefüllt werden. Zur Verdeutlichung sind die neuen Lesungen in grüner Schrift [Verf.],
die von C.G.Cereti und G.Terribili im Jahre 2014 veröffentlicht wurden, in die bestehende Textedition
eingesetzt worden: C.G.Cereti/G.Terribili, The Middle Persian and Parthian Inscriptions on the Paikuli
Tower. New Blocks and Preliminary Studies. In: IrAnt 49(2014) 347-412. - iidem, Epigraphic Findings
at Paikuli (2018-2019). A Preliminary Study. In: Vicino Oriente XXVI(2022) 53-75. [Neueste Lesungen
sind in blauer Schrift von der Verf. kenntlich gemacht worden.]
Der Text der Pāikūlī-Inschrift hat noch nicht seine endgültige Fassung erreicht, sondern wird durch
künftige Funde und neue Forschungsergebnisse der italienischen und kurdischen Forscher fortlaufend
ergänzt werden.
Prosopographie des Sāsānidenreiches im 3. Jahrhundert n.Chr.
The Sassanian Inscription of Paikuli [NPi]
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§ 4: And Wahnām son of Tatrus [through] his own falsehood and [with) the support?] of Ahreman and
the devils, conferred the Diadem to Warahrān King of Sakas]. And he did not inform Us about that
§ 5: Nor [did he] inform the Landholders and the Princes and the Hargbed and Grandees and Nobles
and Persians and Parthians were informed (?) [that:]
§ 6: [I2, Wahnām, son of Tatrus have ?] attached (?) the Diadem to the head of [Warahrān], King of
Sakas. [And I ?] strongly ? wished rule for himself to establish (?) [him/myself ?] an exalted position
§ 7: And I am capable in this respect of killing (to the extent) that I shall kill the Hargbed and the Gran-
dees and the Nobles.
§ 8: And from/of my own family (?) and the Garamaeans and I shall make new appointees of (both) my
own family and the Grandees and Nobles of Garameans". Then I shall destroy [the enemies of ?] the
King of Sakas.
§ 9: And I (?) myself shall [...] in the whole (?) [realm ?].
§ 10: And the Persians and Parthians and others who were at the border watch-post of Asōrestān,
those made a council [and] said [that:]
§ 11: [...] the King of Sakas [... if ?] similarly that (?) he be able to govern the affairs of the Persians
and to give an answer to the enemies and not...
§ 12: Wahnām's counsel (?) is beyond (= without regard for ?) the word(s) of the King (/kings), [but our
?] counsel (is) that which ...took.
§ 13: He (/they) [...] ... the family of Sāsān (?) and the men of the whole realm the King of Armenia is
the greatest and the best.
§ 14: And for (?) the rule of the realm [there will] also hereafter [be] reliance [on ? ...].
§ 15: [And that which ?] may be [...], that we shall do now, so that when (this) servant rises to pow-
er..., then Ērānšahr [will be peaceful and confident ?].
§ 16: Thereafter Šābuhr the Hargbed, and Narseh the Prince, son of Sāsān, [and] Pābag the bidaxš,
and Ardaxšēr the Hazārbed, and Raxš the General, and Ardaxšēr [Surēn], and Ohrmazd Warāz, (and)
Warhāndād (?) Lord of Undīgān, and the remaining Princes and Grandees [and] Householders and
Nobles and Persians and Parthians who were the greatest, the foremost and the noblest among the
Servants of the House" - as was fitting - took [the advice ?] of the gods and Ourselves and sent mes-
sengers [to] Us.
§ 17: And when We, in a state of benevolence, then the messengers from the Princes and the Har-
gbed and the Grandees and the Nobles came to Us (saying) that:
§ 18: May the King of Kings3 graciously move from Armenia hither to Ērānšahr. And (as for) the Glory
and the realm and His Own throne [and] honour, which (His) ancestors received from the gods, may
(He) [take (them) back from] evil and liar men may [He keep? Ērān ?]šahr safe (?) till the last!
§ 19: And when We saw that letter, then in the name of Ohrmazd and all the gods and Anāhīd, the
Lady, We moved from Armenia towards Ērānšahr.
2 Nach C.G.Cereti/G.Terribili, ibid. (2014) 359 ist die handelnde Person hier (§ 6) Wahnām: "... tied
the diadem to the head (of Warahrān) King of the Sakas and strongly ? rule for himself ... stand ..."
3 Der Zusammenhang erklärt, dass es sich hier nur um Narseh, den König von Armenien, handeln
Prosopographie des Sāsānidenreiches im 3. Jahrhundert n.Chr.
The Sassanian Inscription of Paikuli [NPi]
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§ 20: And the border-people and the mountain-dwellers and the other districts who were before the ...
(or: who had been tried before ?) [...] to Ērānšahr.
§ 21: [And] when Our lands and places heard (the news), then [they ?] knew [that] We (?) ... the rule
of the realm to Ērānšahr. And did they prepare (?) to do harm to Ērānšahr and the other lands and
places, but abode by Our advice and counsel.
§ 22: And if once (= since) the Hargbed (formerly) took the advice of the gods [and] Ourselves, there-
fore [did/shall We entrust ?] the border watch-post of Asōrestān [...] and the other various places to
the Hargbed (?).
§ 23: And he did/must not allow anybody [to do harm ?] to [...]. And he sent/must send Warhāndād
(?), Lord of Undīgān with horses and men to the border of Xūzestān, and he instructed/must instruct
him that4:
§ 24: That road and ford which [leads ?] from Asōrestān to [Xūzestān ?], (that) you shall (?) [guard ?].
§ 25: And to the King of [Sakas] and Wahnām not [...] there may be ... to do harm to Asōrestān, then
neither openly nor in [...] to do [...] from Asōrestān.
§ 26: And however you (pl.)/he may hear from the direction of Xūzestān, that tell (sg.) me, so that I
may know [what to ...?] to the King [of Kings/Armenia ?].
§ 27: And if the King of Sakas and Wahnām ... to [...] - when (?) they know (= hear) that you have
eluded (??) them - they will not be ...
§ 28: And if they swear (?) [that they ..., then ?] do not engage an ordered (?) battle, [...] will gracious-
ly settle [them ?] in Asōrestān.
§ 29: And the King Himself with [...] them away [to ?] ...
§ 30: [And] you must lead (?) [them ?], so that those [...] come as captives (?).
§ 31: And likewise, whoever may be in that army, him [...] ..., and (if ?) he/they hold(s) subjection to
Narseh, King of Kings5, and depart(s) from that army of the King of the Sakas and come(s) hither [...].
§ 32: When We near (...) We arrived [in] Asōrestān, at this place ... (where) ... this monument has
been made..., then Šābuhr the Hargbed, and Pērōz the Prince, and Narseh the Prince, son of Sāsān,
and Pābag the bidaxš, and Ardaxšēr the Hazārbed, and Ardaxšēr Surēn, and Ohrmazd Warāz, [and
Warhāndād (?) Lord of Undīgān,] and Kirdēr the Mowbed of Ohrmazd, and [...]z-narseh Kāren, and
Pērōz-Šābuhr6 [...] the first (?) [of the ...?], and Raxš the General, and Ardaxšēr Tahmšābuhr, and
Ādurfarrbay [..., and ...] Secretary of the Finances, and ǰōygird the Cupbearer, [and] likewise the
Princes and Grandees and Nobles and Householders and Satraps and Accountants (and) Storekeep-
ers (? not Pa) and the remaining Persians and Parthians who were in Asōrestān, Nōdšīrogān7,
Garmīgān and Syārazūr, all together [C.G.Cereti/G.Terribili, ibid. S. 364:] →they came to meet Us,
here in Our presence, where this monument has been built.
4 W.Sundermann, Rez. zu H.Humbach/P.O.Skjaervø [The Sassanian Inscription of Paikuli. Part 1-3.
Wiesbaden, Teheran, Wiesbaden 1978-1983]. In: Kratylos 28(1983) 84, § 23: Wenn der Hargbed den
Undīgān-xwadāy von Asūrestān aus an die Grenze nach Xūzistān schickt, offenbar um Warahrān III.
und Wahnām entgegenzutreten, so dürften diese Gegner Narsehs sich damals nicht in Mesopotamien
befunden haben...
5 s. hier Anm. 3: Aus der Tatsache, dass die Pāikūlī-Inschrift nach Narsehs Thronbesteigung gesetzt
wurde, erklärt sich Narsehs Titulatur eines šāhān šāh, die aber zur Zeit des Thronstreits noch nicht
berechtigt war.
6 Nach C.G.Cereti/G.Terribili sind in § 32 zwei neue bisher unbekannte Anhänger Narsehs hinzuge-
kommen: Pērōz-Šābuhr [NPi II a 13] und Ādurfarrbay [NPi II a 16]. Letzterer darf nicht mit dem schon
bekannten Ādur-Farrōbay, König von Mēšān, Feind Narsehs, verwechselt werden.
7 Nach C.G.Cereti/G.Terribili, ibid. (2014) 363 sollte Khūzistān gegen Nōdšīrogān ausgetauscht wer-
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II.2 Main part b §§ 33-62
2. The actions of Warahrān and Wahnām until the surrender of Warahrān and the punishment of
Wahnām and others (§§ 33-62).
§ 33: And Warahrān, [King] of Sakas, and Wahnām, son of Tatrus, and the bad ones (?) and those (?)
who were Wahnām's partisans and helpers - when they heard that We had set out from Armenia to-
wards Ērānšahr and had mobilized (?) an army of Ērānšahr (?) - then they (?) went from Nodšīragān
[towards ?] Armenia (?).
§ 34: Wahnām by his own sorcery sought help from Ādur-Farrōbay, King of Mēšān, (against) Us ...
Sāsān (?) ...the King of Armenians8. And [he sent ?] a message to the King of Mēšān [(saying) that:]
§ 35: May the King [of Mēšān ?] come forth. If another is the page (?) of the King of the Sakas, then
also the King of Mēšān that ... just as I shall give this Great Diadem to the King of Mēšān until the king
of Armenia (= Narseh ?)... is far.
§ 36: Concerning (?) the Hargbed and the Princes and the Grandees and the Nobles and the others
who are in Asōrestān [...]. [And whatever may be ...?] to do, that we shall do.
§ 37: And Ādur-Farrōbay, King of Mēšān, how the bad lie had been given (out?), that he said, since
(?) Wahnām was rebellious (?).
§ 38: He went to the support of Wahrām King of the Sakas and Wahnām and rulership ... other... and
with the King of the Sakas ...9.
§ 39: And [he assumed ?] rulership. And he stayed (?) with the King of Sakas [...].
§ 40: And also (?) Ardaxšēr [the Hazārbed ?] called the King [of Kings = Narseh ?] with horses and
men to assistance [...].
§ 41: (Wahrām), King (of the Sakas), the King of Mēšān, Wahnām and those who were with them paid
homage (to the Gods ?) and swore pacts and oaths several times:10
§ 42: We, too, are the men [of the King of Kings = Warahrān ?], and with the King of Kings (= Wa-
rahrān ?) we shall have (an occasion) to increase our renown.
§ 43: [And that which] is [..., that ?] we shall do, so that they may hear about us that we have arrived
... [...].
§ 44: And the Lord of Undīgān took their lead with horses and men. From Our (court) they went (at) an
evil time. (But) it was a worse (?) (time? for him ?) who had placed (his) horsemen in front of Ngwdy11.
§ 45: And him/his [...] proceeded [by ?] oppression (?) and ... torturing (?). And there was neither a
passage (?) backwards nor did he hasten forth to ... pillage (?) [...].
§ 46: And the King of Mēšān and Wahnām [had] not yet (?) arrived at the border of Asōrestān [when
...?] army (?) [...] foot-soldiers [and ... who were ?] in that army with the King of Sakas departed (?)
8 C.G.Cereti/G.Terribili, ibid. (2014) 365: hier folgt eine Erklärung: "Taken together with the following
paragraph, this passage may suggest that Ādurfarrbay [= Ādur-Farrōbay], King of Mēšān was sent
against the King of Armenia with a message".
9 C.G.Cereti/G.Terribili, ibid. (2014) 367: Rekonstruktionsvorschlag für den ganzen Paragraphen.
10 C.G.Cereti/G.Terribili, ibid. (2014) 367: Rekonstruktionsvorschlag für den ganzen Paragraphen.
11 C.G.Cereti/G.Terribili, ibid. (2014) 368 Anm. 56: Rekonstruktionsvorschlag für den ganzen Paragra-
phen. - Zu 'Ngwdy': Die Örtlichkeit ist nach Aussagen C.G.Ceretis/G.Terribilis [ibid. (2014) 368] und
P.O.Skjaervøs [NPi 3.2(1983) 78, § 44] bis heute nicht bekannt.
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away [from ?] there (?) and came to [...] the Lord of Undīgān. And the Lord of Undīgān sent them to
Our Court.
§ 47: [... Then When] We arrived in 'wt_štr'n, [then] We sent a letter to the King of the Sakas:12
§ 48: "... saying: [that throne of your father and] ancestors which you have in an unfitting way sat upon
[that you should ...?] forth and [you should come ?] forth to [Our] Court."
§ 49: And that ambassador to the Court [of the King] of Sakas [that: ?]
§ 50: ... šp are. And We in great elation and with a happy heart [went] forth to Asōrestān, We settled
in the city of Warahrām-Šābuhr
§ 51: and when the King of Sakas saw Our letter he set loose from (his) head the big ... diadem and
threw [it ? away ?]) from the throne ... and honour.
§ 52: (...) the Court of the Sakas from ... Ohrmazd ī Wārāz went and in a better spirit remained at one
§ 53: When Wahnām saw (that) the gods had given Us xwarrah and the rulership over the land had
been given to Us, then he knew that:
§ 54: For the sorcery that I have performed there is henceforth no (other) salvation than (?) by the
gods and the King [of Kings ?].
§ 55: And for the deception and (evil) behaviour ... of you ... that they gave the xwarrah of the gods
and realm and beneficence and appropriateness to Narseh, King of Kings ...
§ 56: And then also did We ... that deception ... and there was no agreement about how Wahnām did
..., out away [to...] Narseh ī Abzūd-xwarrah and Narseh (?) ī Bay-Šābuhr ... may [they ?] swear.
§ 57: [The army ?] which was with the King of Sakas and Wahnām before ... and with Bay-Šābuhr ....
We sent forth Narseh (?) [ī] Bay of ...
§ 58: [with an order] that: "Seize Wahnām and bind him! Put him on a maimed donkey and bring him
bound to Our Court.
§ 59: And Bayšābuhr the Landholder ... bound Wahnām and brought him bound on a maimed donkey
to the city of Wahrām-Šābuhr, to Our Court.
§ 60: And when the King of the Sakas knew that Wahnām had been taken and bound, and the Sword
bearer ... him ... and the name ... at Court ... he sat in a lowly position.
§ 61: And We commanded (?) [that: ] "... who to that liar ... the throne, since Wahnām was first
against (?) the gods and Ourselves; then against (?) Ērānšahr (and) the whole land, him first ... We
shall punish.
§ 62: "... own ... first kill the one on account of whom (he) rose against Us, him we shall kill and will do
even worse and afterwards...".
12 C.G.Cereti/G.Terribili, ibid. (2014) 373-375: Rekonstruktionsvorschläge für die §§ 47-62 = Vollstän-
dige Übersetzung von 'tier E'.
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The Sassanian Inscription of Paikuli [NPi]
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II.3 Main part c §§ 63-90
3. The correspondence between Narseh and the dignitaries over the succession, and Narseh's ac-
ceptance of the throne (§§ 63-90).
§ 63: [And ...] We assembled (?) a council [... from Ērān?]šahr, and We sent a message to the Har-
gbed [and the Landholders] and the Princes and the Grandees and the Nobles and the Houselords
[and the others ?] who were the greatest and the best (saying) that:
§ 64: This [Ērānšahr with the help of ?] the gods [has endured ?] much pain and trouble. And We
whom thanks to your grace/good deeds have been made Greatest Lord and Ruler of Ērānšahr and
§ 65: And if once His Majesty Ardaxšīr, King [... with] the help of [the gods and by his own ? right-
eous?]ness claimed the whole realm, consequently - because of the fact that since (?) [in] Our Family,
except Ardaxšēr, King of Kings, [no other ?] King was greater and better, that they [...] Šābuhr [... -
(consequently) they ... His ?] Majesty Ardaxšīr, King of Kings, in such a way, [...] they have been, that
§ 66: if once they had made Šābuhr, King of Kings, a guardian (?) [...], and (since) they gave hon-
our(s) to the Guardians (?), therefore also did [they ...].
§ 67:[...] for the sake of the ... of Ērānšahr [...] they gathered (?) and they took the following decision
§ 68: 'We, from [...]ness made Šābuhr king (?). But whoever may know [...] us, there is anybody else
(who is) more righteous than King Šābuhr and more officious in the service of the gods, or better, and
(who) hereafter (may be) able to keep this Ērānšahr [better] guarded [and healthier ?] and to govern (it
better) than King (?) Šābuhr, let him say (so)!
§ 69: 'Because we wish that he may be Lord of [this] our [Ērānšahr and the whole ?] realm the one
who the gods may have prepared and (who) may carry out the hwnbwlt[..] of the gods the service of
the gods [higher ?] and [may be able] to keep Ērānšahr in peace and confident and to govern (it).
§ 70: And as [there was nobody ?] more righteous and better and more pious than Šābuhr, King of
Kings (!), (therefore) since (= after) Ardaxšēr, King of Kings, the whole realm [has been in peace and
confident, and people ?] have been content.
§ 71: If Our ancestor in the family (?) [of ...] had sat on the throne and had ruled (?), then also We
from Our Own [...] the gods, the well-being of Ērānšahr.
§ 72: That We wish, that the pain and trouble which His Majesty [... endured ?] with the help of the
gods in the realm [...], that ... prayer (?) for (?) the gods in the reign... and here may be the estab-
lishment of a throne. [And thereafter the realm ?] will stay more peaceful and confident.
§ 73: If the Landholders [know that in Ērānšahr there is someone who ?] would be more righteous and
better and more pious with respect to the gods than Ourselves or [who would be more able] than Our-
selves to maintain Ērānšahr in peace [and confident and able to govern the affairs of the Persians and
...and] to answer ... and enemies, let him say so now, so that the realm and the districts [who] and all
[...] will increase [the one who] is able to keep and govern the realm.
§ 74: And from the Hargbed [and the Landholders and the Princes and the Grandees and the Nobles
and the Persians] and the Parthians a message and an answer was brought to Us (saying) that:
§ 75: We the Landholders and the Princes, the Grandees and the Nobles and [the Persians and the
Parthians ... are content ?] that Your Majesty informs us of that matter.
§ 76: If Your Majesty from the side of the ancestors) stand in the family ..., then ...] just as that mes-
sage which was brought from Your Majesty [that:]
Prosopographie des Sāsānidenreiches im 3. Jahrhundert n.Chr.
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§ 77: [If there is someone who] would be [more righteous and] better and more pious [than Your Maj-
esty ?], (then) he shall assume the rulership.
§ 78: The Landholders and the Princes and the Grandees and the Nobles, the Persians [and the Par-
thians will then be more distinguished and ?] the well-doer of the gods will then reach higher and
Ērānšahr will then stay healthier and more protected.
§ 79: [...] he who may perform the most correct offices with respect to the gods [and many be ... and]
§ 80: (But) because-(ever) since (?) the gods gave glory and rulership to the family of Sāsān [and
(ever since) His Majesty Ardaxšēr ?], King [of Kings ?], who was your grandfather, in the name of the
gods had made the whole realm ...
§ 81: - (because ever since then) no one else was like You, (Your) Majesty) ... the gods have fa-
voured (?) [and (who) by Your ?] fortune (?) and wisdom and Own [courage (?) have kept ?] oppres-
sion [away from Ērān?]šahr, ...
§ 82: [therefore (do now) ?] ascend Your Own throne and (receive) the honour(s) [of] (Your) father and
ancestors, so that [henceforth ... in Ērān?]šahr things ...[will be more ?] righteous (?) [...] and higher.
§ 83: And to the Landholders, the Princes, and the Grandees and the Nobles and the Houselords [and
the Persians and the Parthians] We sent a message (saying) that:
§ 84: The ancestors (?) [...] ... the realm ... [...] firstly by the word of the gods and secondly [by] the
word of [Ērān?]šahr and the whole realm that:
§ 85: 'Lord (?) of the realm [he shall be who(m) ...] ... and [is] able to govern the affairs [of the Per-
sians] and answer the enemies.'
§ 86: [And from the Hargbed] and the Landholders and the Princes [and the Grandees and the Nobles
and] the Persians and the Parthians then also a message [and] an answer was brought to Us (saying)
thus that:
§ 87: If we knew that there is either among the Landholders [and] all the Princes or in Ērānšahr and
the whole realm someone [who would be more suitable for ?] the rulership (?) [than ?] your Majesty,
[(then) he should be king ?].
§ 88: But we know [that] there is not (?). Your Majesty is the greatest and the best, and the rulership
suits (You) (?) and is most becoming for Your Majesty.
§ 89: [It is fitting for ?] Your Majesty [that You should ascend ?] the throne which the gods gave ...
receive, grace was .... and hold and govern the country till the time of Renovation and be content of
Your own xwarrah and country.
§ 90: Then We with the support of and in the name of the gods and Our Own [ancestors ? ...] ascend-
ed [the throne of ?] (Our) father and ancestors.
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III. Conclusion §§ 91-95
§ 91: And Caesar and the Romans were in gratitude (?) and peace and friendship with Us.
§ 92: And the King of Kušān, [...]rān [...] Aspnay and the King of Xwārizm, and D/Zāmadīgp[utr ?] the
[...] bed of Kwšdʼn, ... and Pgrgmbk [...]bly, and Warāz-(...) of Rāmān, and Šēd the Šyk'n of Harēw,
and Pāk Mehmān, and Birwān Spandwardān, and the King of Pāradān, and the King Rāzgurd, and
King Pndplnk, and the King of Makurān, and the King of Tūrān, [and] the King [..., and] the King of
[Gur]gān/[Balāsa]gān, and the King of Mskyt'n, and the King of Iberia, and the King of Sigān, and King
Tirdād, and Amru King of the Lahmids, and Amru king of the Abgars (?),
§ 93: (and) Pakur Nāhbed of Dahestān, and Razmāgōy Šambīdagān, [and ...] Satārap Lord of
Dumbāwand, and Razmāgōy Lord of Sāxwal and Pūrāsmān Lord of Mūgān, and Bād Lord of Zōrād
(?), and Mihrxwāst Lord of Borsip (?), and Zanāygān [Lord ?] of [...]'ldp, and Kwl' [...], ..., and Wa-
rahrām Lord of Mošk, and Narseh Lord of Antioch, and the Lord of Lāšom, and Wld.y Lord of Čš, and
the Lord [of ...], and Xradǰōy Lord of Lāk/Anzān (?), and Mālux King of Aštbwn'n, and the remaining
Landholders [and ...] stayed by Our [advice and] counsel.
§ 94: And We claimed the whole realm anew. And whoever came to Our Court himself or [sent ?] an
envoy and presents and letters [and] hostages (as) promises (of loyalty) (?) to [Our] Court, he would
have fame (?) and other things (?).
§ 95: Him We [pardoned ?], and his realm and districts prospered (?). And those who were willing (?)
came to Our subjection and service.
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IV. Personenlisten der Pāikūlī-Inschrift13 14
§ 16: 8 Personen § 32: 16 Personen
1. Šābuhr the Hargbed 1. Šābuhr the Hargbed [NPi II a 3]
2. and Narseh the Prince, son of
2. and Pērōz the Prince [NPi II a 4]
3. [and] Pābag the bidaxš 3. and Narseh the Prince, son of Sāsān [NPi II a 5]
4. and Ardašīr the Hazārbed 4. and Pābag the bidaxš [NPi II a 6]
5. and Raxš the General 5. and Ardašīr the Hazārbed [NPi II a 7]
6. and Ardašīr [Surēn] 6. and Ardašīr Surēn [NPi II a 8]
7. and Ohrmazd Warāz 7. and Ohrmazd Warāz [NPi II a 9]
8. (and) fr (?), Lord von Undīgān 8. (and) *Warhāndād (?), Lord von
[NPi II a 10]
9. and Kirdēr the Mowbed of Ohrmazd [NPi II a 11]
10. and [...]z-narseh Kāren [NPI II a 12]
11. and Pērōz-Šābuhr [NPi II a 13]
12. and Raxš the General [NPi II a 14]
13. and Ardašīr Tahmšābuhr [NPi II a 15]
14. and Ādur-Farrbay [= Ādur-Farrōbay] [NPi II a 16]
15. [..., and...] Secretary of Finances [NPi II a 17]
16. and J̌ōygird the Cupbearer [NPi II a 18]
§§ 33-62: 8 Personen §§ 63-91: keine Personen
1. Wahrām, King of Sakas [NPi II b 1]
2. Wahnām, son of Tatrus [NPi II b 2]
3. Ādur-Farrōbay, King of Mēšān [NPi II b 3]
4. Ardašīr the Hazārbed [NPi II b 4]
5. Warhāndād (?), Lord von Undīgān [NPi II b 5]
6. Narseh (?) ī Abzūd-xwarrah [NPi II b 6]
7. Narseh ZY Bayšābuhr [NPi II b 7]
8. Bay-Šābuhr, the Landholder [NPi II b 8]
§ 92: 22 Personen § 93: 16 Personen
1. And the King of Kušān [NPi III 1] 1. and king Pakur Nāhubed of Dahestān [NPi III 22]
2. [and]rān [...] Aspnay (?) [NPi III 2] 2. and Razmāgōy Šambīdagān [NPi III 23]
3. and the King of Xwārizm [NPi III 3] 3. [and ...] Satārap Lord of Dumbāwand [NPi III 24]
4. and D/Zāmadīgp[utr ?] the [...]bed
of Kwšd'n
[NPi III 4] 4. and Razmāgōy Lord of Sāxwal (?) [NPi III 25]
5. and Pgrgmbk [...]bly [NPi III 5] 5. [and] Pūrāsmān Lord of Mūgān [NPi III 26]
6. and Warāz-(...) of Rāmān [NPi III 5a] 6. Bād Lord of Zōrad (?) [NPi III 27]
7. and Sēd (?) the Šyk'n of Harēw [NPi III 6] 7. and Mihrxwāst Lord of Borsip (?) [NPi III 28]
8. and Pāk Mehmān [NPi III 7] 8. and Zanāygān [Lord ?] of [...]'ldp [NPi III 29]
9. and Birwān Špandwardān [NPi III 8] 9. and Kwl' [...], ..., [NPi III 30]
10. and the King of Pāradān [NPi III 9] 10. and Warahrām Lord of Mošk [NPi III 31]
11. and King Rāzgurd [NPi III 10] 11. and Narseh Lord of Antioch [NPi III 32]
12. and King Pndplnk [NPi III 11] 12. and the Lord of Lāšom [NPi III 33]
13. and the King of Makurān [NPi III 12] 13. and Wld.y Lord of Čš [NPi III 34]
14. and the King of Tūrān [NPi III 13] 14. and the Lord [of ...] [NPi III 35]
15. [and] the King [..., [NPi III 14] 15. and Xradǰōy Lord of Lāk/Anzān (?) [NPi III 36]
16. and] the King of
[NPi III 15] 16. and Mālux King of Aštbwn'n [NPi III 37]
17. and the King of Mskyt'n [NPi III 16]
18. and the King of Iberia [NPi III 17]
19. and the King of Sigān [NPi III 18]
20. and King Tirdād [NPi III 19]
21. and Amru King of the Lahmids [NPi III 20]
22. and Amru king of the Abgars (?) [NPi III 21]
Tabelle 1: Personenlisten der Pāikūlī-Inschrift §§ 16-9315
13 Nach H.Humbach/P.O.Skjaervø, NPi 3.1(1983) §§ 16; 32; 33-62; 92-93. - C.G.Cereti/G.Terribili, The
Middle Persian and Parthian Inscriptions on the Paikuli Tower. New Blocks and Preliminary Studies.
In: Iranica Antiqua 49(2014) 347-412 [in grüner Schrift].
14 Neufunde für die Pāikūlī-Inschrift vom Jahre 2022: C.G.Cereti, Epigraphic Findings at Paikuli (2018-
2019). A preliminary Study. In: Vicino Oriente XXVI(2022) 53-75; hier 69 § 92 und 93 [blau gedruckt].
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Von den insgesamt 70 angegebenen Personen der Pāikūlī-Inschrift sind wegen der Überschneidun-
gen in den §§ 16 und 32 acht Personen abzuziehen = 62; in den §§ 33 - 62 sind aber nur sechs Per-
sonen abzuziehen: 3 Feinde Narsehs: Wahrām, König of Sakas, Wahnām, son of Tatrus, Ādur-
Farrōbay, King of Mēšān, und 2 Personen wegen mehrfacher Erwähnung: Ardašīr the Hazārbed und
*Warhāndād, Lord of Andēgān. Die sechste Person bezieht sich auf König Narseh selbst: Narseh ī
Abzūd-xwarrah. Von daher können 57 Personen der Pāikūlī-Inschrift zu den Anhängern König Nar-
sehs gezählt werden.
15 →Anmerkung Seite 10
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Vorwort Abkürzungsverzeichnis Personenregister Orts- und Sachregister
Griechisches Wörterverzeichnis Karte des Sāsānidenreiches
NPi I: Introduction NPi II a: Main part a NPi II b: Main part b NPi III: Conclusion
ŠKZ I: Genealogie ŠKZ II: Hofstaat Pābags ŠKZ III: Hofstaat Ardašīrs I.
ŠKZ IV: Hofstaat Šābuhrs I. ŠKZ V: Frauen
The Sassanian Inscription of Paikuli [NPi]1
I. Introduction §§ 1-2 .......................................................................................................................... 1
II.1 Main part a §§ 3-32 ........................................................................................................................ 1
II.2 Main part b §§ 33-62 ...................................................................................................................... 4
II.3 Main part c §§ 63-90 ...................................................................................................................... 6
III. Conclusion §§ 91-95 ...................................................................................................................... 8
IV. Personenlisten der Pāikūlī-Inschrift .................................................................................................. 9
I. Introduction §§ 1-2
§ 1. I am the Mazdaean Majesty Narseh King of Kings of Ērān and Non-Ērān, whose origin (is) from
the Gods son of His Mazdean Majesty Šābuhr King [of Kings] of Ērān and Non-Ērān, [whose origin (is)
from the gods, grandson of the Majesty Ardaxšēr] King of Kings.
§ 2: This (is) the monument Pērōz-Anāhīd-Narseh. And we made this monument because ...[and]
place [(it) here ?] that [concerning ?] Us (?) [it should be known that ?].
II.1 Main part a §§ 3-32
1. From the death of Warahrān II till the meeting of Narseh and the dignitaries at Paikuli (§§ 3-32).
§ 3: [Thus We ...-] (at) the time when We were King of the Armenians. And We dwelt in Armenia
[until Warahrān, King of Kings, son of Warahrān ?] in Khuzistan passed away.
1 Der Text der Pāikūlī-Inschrift bezieht sich auf die Edition von H.Humbach/P.O.Skjaervø, The Sassa-
nian Inscription of Paikuli. Part 1-3. Wiesbaden, Teheran 1978-1983. - Textedition und Übers. befin-
den sich in P. 3.1(1983) 27-74. - Da die Anführungszeichen nicht einheitlich gesetzt wurden, habe ich
auf diese bei der Wiedergabe der Inschrift verzichtet (Verf.).
Durch den Fund von 106 neuen Inschriftenfragmenten konnten viele Lücken der stark beschädigten
Pāikūlī-Inschrift gefüllt werden. Zur Verdeutlichung sind die neuen Lesungen in grüner Schrift [Verf.],
die von C.G.Cereti und G.Terribili im Jahre 2014 veröffentlicht wurden, in die bestehende Textedition
eingesetzt worden: C.G.Cereti/G.Terribili, The Middle Persian and Parthian Inscriptions on the Paikuli
Tower. New Blocks and Preliminary Studies. In: IrAnt 49(2014) 347-412. - iidem, Epigraphic Findings
at Paikuli (2018-2019). A Preliminary Study. In: Vicino Oriente XXVI(2022) 53-75. [Neueste Lesungen
sind in blauer Schrift von der Verf. kenntlich gemacht worden.]
Der Text der Pāikūlī-Inschrift hat noch nicht seine endgültige Fassung erreicht, sondern wird durch
künftige Funde und neue Forschungsergebnisse der italienischen und kurdischen Forscher fortlaufend
ergänzt werden.
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§ 4: And Wahnām son of Tatrus [through] his own falsehood and [with) the support?] of Ahreman and
the devils, conferred the Diadem to Warahrān King of Sakas]. And he did not inform Us about that
§ 5: Nor [did he] inform the Landholders and the Princes and the Hargbed and Grandees and Nobles
and Persians and Parthians were informed (?) [that:]
§ 6: [I2, Wahnām, son of Tatrus have ?] attached (?) the Diadem to the head of [Warahrān], King of
Sakas. [And I ?] strongly ? wished rule for himself to establish (?) [him/myself ?] an exalted position
§ 7: And I am capable in this respect of killing (to the extent) that I shall kill the Hargbed and the Gran-
dees and the Nobles.
§ 8: And from/of my own family (?) and the Garamaeans and I shall make new appointees of (both) my
own family and the Grandees and Nobles of Garameans". Then I shall destroy [the enemies of ?] the
King of Sakas.
§ 9: And I (?) myself shall [...] in the whole (?) [realm ?].
§ 10: And the Persians and Parthians and others who were at the border watch-post of Asōrestān,
those made a council [and] said [that:]
§ 11: [...] the King of Sakas [... if ?] similarly that (?) he be able to govern the affairs of the Persians
and to give an answer to the enemies and not...
§ 12: Wahnām's counsel (?) is beyond (= without regard for ?) the word(s) of the King (/kings), [but our
?] counsel (is) that which ...took.
§ 13: He (/they) [...] ... the family of Sāsān (?) and the men of the whole realm the King of Armenia is
the greatest and the best.
§ 14: And for (?) the rule of the realm [there will] also hereafter [be] reliance [on ? ...].
§ 15: [And that which ?] may be [...], that we shall do now, so that when (this) servant rises to pow-
er..., then Ērānšahr [will be peaceful and confident ?].
§ 16: Thereafter Šābuhr the Hargbed, and Narseh the Prince, son of Sāsān, [and] Pābag the bidaxš,
and Ardaxšēr the Hazārbed, and Raxš the General, and Ardaxšēr [Surēn], and Ohrmazd Warāz, (and)
Warhāndād (?) Lord of Undīgān, and the remaining Princes and Grandees [and] Householders and
Nobles and Persians and Parthians who were the greatest, the foremost and the noblest among the
Servants of the House" - as was fitting - took [the advice ?] of the gods and Ourselves and sent mes-
sengers [to] Us.
§ 17: And when We, in a state of benevolence, then the messengers from the Princes and the Har-
gbed and the Grandees and the Nobles came to Us (saying) that:
§ 18: May the King of Kings3 graciously move from Armenia hither to Ērānšahr. And (as for) the Glory
and the realm and His Own throne [and] honour, which (His) ancestors received from the gods, may
(He) [take (them) back from] evil and liar men may [He keep? Ērān ?]šahr safe (?) till the last!
§ 19: And when We saw that letter, then in the name of Ohrmazd and all the gods and Anāhīd, the
Lady, We moved from Armenia towards Ērānšahr.
2 Nach C.G.Cereti/G.Terribili, ibid. (2014) 359 ist die handelnde Person hier (§ 6) Wahnām: "... tied
the diadem to the head (of Warahrān) King of the Sakas and strongly ? rule for himself ... stand ..."
3 Der Zusammenhang erklärt, dass es sich hier nur um Narseh, den König von Armenien, handeln
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§ 20: And the border-people and the mountain-dwellers and the other districts who were before the ...
(or: who had been tried before ?) [...] to Ērānšahr.
§ 21: [And] when Our lands and places heard (the news), then [they ?] knew [that] We (?) ... the rule
of the realm to Ērānšahr. And did they prepare (?) to do harm to Ērānšahr and the other lands and
places, but abode by Our advice and counsel.
§ 22: And if once (= since) the Hargbed (formerly) took the advice of the gods [and] Ourselves, there-
fore [did/shall We entrust ?] the border watch-post of Asōrestān [...] and the other various places to
the Hargbed (?).
§ 23: And he did/must not allow anybody [to do harm ?] to [...]. And he sent/must send Warhāndād
(?), Lord of Undīgān with horses and men to the border of Xūzestān, and he instructed/must instruct
him that4:
§ 24: That road and ford which [leads ?] from Asōrestān to [Xūzestān ?], (that) you shall (?) [guard ?].
§ 25: And to the King of [Sakas] and Wahnām not [...] there may be ... to do harm to Asōrestān, then
neither openly nor in [...] to do [...] from Asōrestān.
§ 26: And however you (pl.)/he may hear from the direction of Xūzestān, that tell (sg.) me, so that I
may know [what to ...?] to the King [of Kings/Armenia ?].
§ 27: And if the King of Sakas and Wahnām ... to [...] - when (?) they know (= hear) that you have
eluded (??) them - they will not be ...
§ 28: And if they swear (?) [that they ..., then ?] do not engage an ordered (?) battle, [...] will gracious-
ly settle [them ?] in Asōrestān.
§ 29: And the King Himself with [...] them away [to ?] ...
§ 30: [And] you must lead (?) [them ?], so that those [...] come as captives (?).
§ 31: And likewise, whoever may be in that army, him [...] ..., and (if ?) he/they hold(s) subjection to
Narseh, King of Kings5, and depart(s) from that army of the King of the Sakas and come(s) hither [...].
§ 32: When We near (...) We arrived [in] Asōrestān, at this place ... (where) ... this monument has
been made..., then Šābuhr the Hargbed, and Pērōz the Prince, and Narseh the Prince, son of Sāsān,
and Pābag the bidaxš, and Ardaxšēr the Hazārbed, and Ardaxšēr Surēn, and Ohrmazd Warāz, [and
Warhāndād (?) Lord of Undīgān,] and Kirdēr the Mowbed of Ohrmazd, and [...]z-narseh Kāren, and
Pērōz-Šābuhr6 [...] the first (?) [of the ...?], and Raxš the General, and Ardaxšēr Tahmšābuhr, and
Ādurfarrbay [..., and ...] Secretary of the Finances, and ǰōygird the Cupbearer, [and] likewise the
Princes and Grandees and Nobles and Householders and Satraps and Accountants (and) Storekeep-
ers (? not Pa) and the remaining Persians and Parthians who were in Asōrestān, Nōdšīrogān7,
Garmīgān and Syārazūr, all together [C.G.Cereti/G.Terribili, ibid. S. 364:] →they came to meet Us,
here in Our presence, where this monument has been built.
4 W.Sundermann, Rez. zu H.Humbach/P.O.Skjaervø [The Sassanian Inscription of Paikuli. Part 1-3.
Wiesbaden, Teheran, Wiesbaden 1978-1983]. In: Kratylos 28(1983) 84, § 23: Wenn der Hargbed den
Undīgān-xwadāy von Asūrestān aus an die Grenze nach Xūzistān schickt, offenbar um Warahrān III.
und Wahnām entgegenzutreten, so dürften diese Gegner Narsehs sich damals nicht in Mesopotamien
befunden haben...
5 s. hier Anm. 3: Aus der Tatsache, dass die Pāikūlī-Inschrift nach Narsehs Thronbesteigung gesetzt
wurde, erklärt sich Narsehs Titulatur eines šāhān šāh, die aber zur Zeit des Thronstreits noch nicht
berechtigt war.
6 Nach C.G.Cereti/G.Terribili sind in § 32 zwei neue bisher unbekannte Anhänger Narsehs hinzuge-
kommen: Pērōz-Šābuhr [NPi II a 13] und Ādurfarrbay [NPi II a 16]. Letzterer darf nicht mit dem schon
bekannten Ādur-Farrōbay, König von Mēšān, Feind Narsehs, verwechselt werden.
7 Nach C.G.Cereti/G.Terribili, ibid. (2014) 363 sollte Khūzistān gegen Nōdšīrogān ausgetauscht wer-
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II.2 Main part b §§ 33-62
2. The actions of Warahrān and Wahnām until the surrender of Warahrān and the punishment of
Wahnām and others (§§ 33-62).
§ 33: And Warahrān, [King] of Sakas, and Wahnām, son of Tatrus, and the bad ones (?) and those (?)
who were Wahnām's partisans and helpers - when they heard that We had set out from Armenia to-
wards Ērānšahr and had mobilized (?) an army of Ērānšahr (?) - then they (?) went from Nodšīragān
[towards ?] Armenia (?).
§ 34: Wahnām by his own sorcery sought help from Ādur-Farrōbay, King of Mēšān, (against) Us ...
Sāsān (?) ...the King of Armenians8. And [he sent ?] a message to the King of Mēšān [(saying) that:]
§ 35: May the King [of Mēšān ?] come forth. If another is the page (?) of the King of the Sakas, then
also the King of Mēšān that ... just as I shall give this Great Diadem to the King of Mēšān until the king
of Armenia (= Narseh ?)... is far.
§ 36: Concerning (?) the Hargbed and the Princes and the Grandees and the Nobles and the others
who are in Asōrestān [...]. [And whatever may be ...?] to do, that we shall do.
§ 37: And Ādur-Farrōbay, King of Mēšān, how the bad lie had been given (out?), that he said, since
(?) Wahnām was rebellious (?).
§ 38: He went to the support of Wahrām King of the Sakas and Wahnām and rulership ... other... and
with the King of the Sakas ...9.
§ 39: And [he assumed ?] rulership. And he stayed (?) with the King of Sakas [...].
§ 40: And also (?) Ardaxšēr [the Hazārbed ?] called the King [of Kings = Narseh ?] with horses and
men to assistance [...].
§ 41: (Wahrām), King (of the Sakas), the King of Mēšān, Wahnām and those who were with them paid
homage (to the Gods ?) and swore pacts and oaths several times:10
§ 42: We, too, are the men [of the King of Kings = Warahrān ?], and with the King of Kings (= Wa-
rahrān ?) we shall have (an occasion) to increase our renown.
§ 43: [And that which] is [..., that ?] we shall do, so that they may hear about us that we have arrived
... [...].
§ 44: And the Lord of Undīgān took their lead with horses and men. From Our (court) they went (at) an
evil time. (But) it was a worse (?) (time? for him ?) who had placed (his) horsemen in front of Ngwdy11.
§ 45: And him/his [...] proceeded [by ?] oppression (?) and ... torturing (?). And there was neither a
passage (?) backwards nor did he hasten forth to ... pillage (?) [...].
§ 46: And the King of Mēšān and Wahnām [had] not yet (?) arrived at the border of Asōrestān [when
...?] army (?) [...] foot-soldiers [and ... who were ?] in that army with the King of Sakas departed (?)
8 C.G.Cereti/G.Terribili, ibid. (2014) 365: hier folgt eine Erklärung: "Taken together with the following
paragraph, this passage may suggest that Ādurfarrbay [= Ādur-Farrōbay], King of Mēšān was sent
against the King of Armenia with a message".
9 C.G.Cereti/G.Terribili, ibid. (2014) 367: Rekonstruktionsvorschlag für den ganzen Paragraphen.
10 C.G.Cereti/G.Terribili, ibid. (2014) 367: Rekonstruktionsvorschlag für den ganzen Paragraphen.
11 C.G.Cereti/G.Terribili, ibid. (2014) 368 Anm. 56: Rekonstruktionsvorschlag für den ganzen Paragra-
phen. - Zu 'Ngwdy': Die Örtlichkeit ist nach Aussagen C.G.Ceretis/G.Terribilis [ibid. (2014) 368] und
P.O.Skjaervøs [NPi 3.2(1983) 78, § 44] bis heute nicht bekannt.
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away [from ?] there (?) and came to [...] the Lord of Undīgān. And the Lord of Undīgān sent them to
Our Court.
§ 47: [... Then When] We arrived in 'wt_štr'n, [then] We sent a letter to the King of the Sakas:12
§ 48: "... saying: [that throne of your father and] ancestors which you have in an unfitting way sat upon
[that you should ...?] forth and [you should come ?] forth to [Our] Court."
§ 49: And that ambassador to the Court [of the King] of Sakas [that: ?]
§ 50: ... šp are. And We in great elation and with a happy heart [went] forth to Asōrestān, We settled
in the city of Warahrām-Šābuhr
§ 51: and when the King of Sakas saw Our letter he set loose from (his) head the big ... diadem and
threw [it ? away ?]) from the throne ... and honour.
§ 52: (...) the Court of the Sakas from ... Ohrmazd ī Wārāz went and in a better spirit remained at one
§ 53: When Wahnām saw (that) the gods had given Us xwarrah and the rulership over the land had
been given to Us, then he knew that:
§ 54: For the sorcery that I have performed there is henceforth no (other) salvation than (?) by the
gods and the King [of Kings ?].
§ 55: And for the deception and (evil) behaviour ... of you ... that they gave the xwarrah of the gods
and realm and beneficence and appropriateness to Narseh, King of Kings ...
§ 56: And then also did We ... that deception ... and there was no agreement about how Wahnām did
..., out away [to...] Narseh ī Abzūd-xwarrah and Narseh (?) ī Bay-Šābuhr ... may [they ?] swear.
§ 57: [The army ?] which was with the King of Sakas and Wahnām before ... and with Bay-Šābuhr ....
We sent forth Narseh (?) [ī] Bay of ...
§ 58: [with an order] that: "Seize Wahnām and bind him! Put him on a maimed donkey and bring him
bound to Our Court.
§ 59: And Bayšābuhr the Landholder ... bound Wahnām and brought him bound on a maimed donkey
to the city of Wahrām-Šābuhr, to Our Court.
§ 60: And when the King of the Sakas knew that Wahnām had been taken and bound, and the Sword
bearer ... him ... and the name ... at Court ... he sat in a lowly position.
§ 61: And We commanded (?) [that: ] "... who to that liar ... the throne, since Wahnām was first
against (?) the gods and Ourselves; then against (?) Ērānšahr (and) the whole land, him first ... We
shall punish.
§ 62: "... own ... first kill the one on account of whom (he) rose against Us, him we shall kill and will do
even worse and afterwards...".
12 C.G.Cereti/G.Terribili, ibid. (2014) 373-375: Rekonstruktionsvorschläge für die §§ 47-62 = Vollstän-
dige Übersetzung von 'tier E'.
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II.3 Main part c §§ 63-90
3. The correspondence between Narseh and the dignitaries over the succession, and Narseh's ac-
ceptance of the throne (§§ 63-90).
§ 63: [And ...] We assembled (?) a council [... from Ērān?]šahr, and We sent a message to the Har-
gbed [and the Landholders] and the Princes and the Grandees and the Nobles and the Houselords
[and the others ?] who were the greatest and the best (saying) that:
§ 64: This [Ērānšahr with the help of ?] the gods [has endured ?] much pain and trouble. And We
whom thanks to your grace/good deeds have been made Greatest Lord and Ruler of Ērānšahr and
§ 65: And if once His Majesty Ardaxšīr, King [... with] the help of [the gods and by his own ? right-
eous?]ness claimed the whole realm, consequently - because of the fact that since (?) [in] Our Family,
except Ardaxšēr, King of Kings, [no other ?] King was greater and better, that they [...] Šābuhr [... -
(consequently) they ... His ?] Majesty Ardaxšīr, King of Kings, in such a way, [...] they have been, that
§ 66: if once they had made Šābuhr, King of Kings, a guardian (?) [...], and (since) they gave hon-
our(s) to the Guardians (?), therefore also did [they ...].
§ 67:[...] for the sake of the ... of Ērānšahr [...] they gathered (?) and they took the following decision
§ 68: 'We, from [...]ness made Šābuhr king (?). But whoever may know [...] us, there is anybody else
(who is) more righteous than King Šābuhr and more officious in the service of the gods, or better, and
(who) hereafter (may be) able to keep this Ērānšahr [better] guarded [and healthier ?] and to govern (it
better) than King (?) Šābuhr, let him say (so)!
§ 69: 'Because we wish that he may be Lord of [this] our [Ērānšahr and the whole ?] realm the one
who the gods may have prepared and (who) may carry out the hwnbwlt[..] of the gods the service of
the gods [higher ?] and [may be able] to keep Ērānšahr in peace and confident and to govern (it).
§ 70: And as [there was nobody ?] more righteous and better and more pious than Šābuhr, King of
Kings (!), (therefore) since (= after) Ardaxšēr, King of Kings, the whole realm [has been in peace and
confident, and people ?] have been content.
§ 71: If Our ancestor in the family (?) [of ...] had sat on the throne and had ruled (?), then also We
from Our Own [...] the gods, the well-being of Ērānšahr.
§ 72: That We wish, that the pain and trouble which His Majesty [... endured ?] with the help of the
gods in the realm [...], that ... prayer (?) for (?) the gods in the reign... and here may be the estab-
lishment of a throne. [And thereafter the realm ?] will stay more peaceful and confident.
§ 73: If the Landholders [know that in Ērānšahr there is someone who ?] would be more righteous and
better and more pious with respect to the gods than Ourselves or [who would be more able] than Our-
selves to maintain Ērānšahr in peace [and confident and able to govern the affairs of the Persians and
...and] to answer ... and enemies, let him say so now, so that the realm and the districts [who] and all
[...] will increase [the one who] is able to keep and govern the realm.
§ 74: And from the Hargbed [and the Landholders and the Princes and the Grandees and the Nobles
and the Persians] and the Parthians a message and an answer was brought to Us (saying) that:
§ 75: We the Landholders and the Princes, the Grandees and the Nobles and [the Persians and the
Parthians ... are content ?] that Your Majesty informs us of that matter.
§ 76: If Your Majesty from the side of the ancestors) stand in the family ..., then ...] just as that mes-
sage which was brought from Your Majesty [that:]
Prosopographie des Sāsānidenreiches im 3. Jahrhundert n.Chr.
The Sassanian Inscription of Paikuli [NPi]
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§ 77: [If there is someone who] would be [more righteous and] better and more pious [than Your Maj-
esty ?], (then) he shall assume the rulership.
§ 78: The Landholders and the Princes and the Grandees and the Nobles, the Persians [and the Par-
thians will then be more distinguished and ?] the well-doer of the gods will then reach higher and
Ērānšahr will then stay healthier and more protected.
§ 79: [...] he who may perform the most correct offices with respect to the gods [and many be ... and]
§ 80: (But) because-(ever) since (?) the gods gave glory and rulership to the family of Sāsān [and
(ever since) His Majesty Ardaxšēr ?], King [of Kings ?], who was your grandfather, in the name of the
gods had made the whole realm ...
§ 81: - (because ever since then) no one else was like You, (Your) Majesty) ... the gods have fa-
voured (?) [and (who) by Your ?] fortune (?) and wisdom and Own [courage (?) have kept ?] oppres-
sion [away from Ērān?]šahr, ...
§ 82: [therefore (do now) ?] ascend Your Own throne and (receive) the honour(s) [of] (Your) father and
ancestors, so that [henceforth ... in Ērān?]šahr things ...[will be more ?] righteous (?) [...] and higher.
§ 83: And to the Landholders, the Princes, and the Grandees and the Nobles and the Houselords [and
the Persians and the Parthians] We sent a message (saying) that:
§ 84: The ancestors (?) [...] ... the realm ... [...] firstly by the word of the gods and secondly [by] the
word of [Ērān?]šahr and the whole realm that:
§ 85: 'Lord (?) of the realm [he shall be who(m) ...] ... and [is] able to govern the affairs [of the Per-
sians] and answer the enemies.'
§ 86: [And from the Hargbed] and the Landholders and the Princes [and the Grandees and the Nobles
and] the Persians and the Parthians then also a message [and] an answer was brought to Us (saying)
thus that:
§ 87: If we knew that there is either among the Landholders [and] all the Princes or in Ērānšahr and
the whole realm someone [who would be more suitable for ?] the rulership (?) [than ?] your Majesty,
[(then) he should be king ?].
§ 88: But we know [that] there is not (?). Your Majesty is the greatest and the best, and the rulership
suits (You) (?) and is most becoming for Your Majesty.
§ 89: [It is fitting for ?] Your Majesty [that You should ascend ?] the throne which the gods gave ...
receive, grace was .... and hold and govern the country till the time of Renovation and be content of
Your own xwarrah and country.
§ 90: Then We with the support of and in the name of the gods and Our Own [ancestors ? ...] ascend-
ed [the throne of ?] (Our) father and ancestors.
Prosopographie des Sāsānidenreiches im 3. Jahrhundert n.Chr.
The Sassanian Inscription of Paikuli [NPi]
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III. Conclusion §§ 91-95
§ 91: And Caesar and the Romans were in gratitude (?) and peace and friendship with Us.
§ 92: And the King of Kušān, [...]rān [...] Aspnay and the King of Xwārizm, and D/Zāmadīgp[utr ?] the
[...] bed of Kwšdʼn, ... and Pgrgmbk [...]bly, and Warāz-(...) of Rāmān, and Šēd the Šyk'n of Harēw,
and Pāk Mehmān, and Birwān Spandwardān, and the King of Pāradān, and the King Rāzgurd, and
King Pndplnk, and the King of Makurān, and the King of Tūrān, [and] the King [..., and] the King of
[Gur]gān/[Balāsa]gān, and the King of Mskyt'n, and the King of Iberia, and the King of Sigān, and King
Tirdād, and Amru King of the Lahmids, and Amru king of the Abgars (?),
§ 93: (and) Pakur Nāhbed of Dahestān, and Razmāgōy Šambīdagān, [and ...] Satārap Lord of
Dumbāwand, and Razmāgōy Lord of Sāxwal and Pūrāsmān Lord of Mūgān, and Bād Lord of Zōrād
(?), and Mihrxwāst Lord of Borsip (?), and Zanāygān [Lord ?] of [...]'ldp, and Kwl' [...], ..., and Wa-
rahrām Lord of Mošk, and Narseh Lord of Antioch, and the Lord of Lāšom, and Wld.y Lord of Čš, and
the Lord [of ...], and Xradǰōy Lord of Lāk/Anzān (?), and Mālux King of Aštbwn'n, and the remaining
Landholders [and ...] stayed by Our [advice and] counsel.
§ 94: And We claimed the whole realm anew. And whoever came to Our Court himself or [sent ?] an
envoy and presents and letters [and] hostages (as) promises (of loyalty) (?) to [Our] Court, he would
have fame (?) and other things (?).
§ 95: Him We [pardoned ?], and his realm and districts prospered (?). And those who were willing (?)
came to Our subjection and service.
Prosopographie des Sāsānidenreiches im 3. Jahrhundert n.Chr.
The Sassanian Inscription of Paikuli [NPi]
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IV. Personenlisten der Pāikūlī-Inschrift13 14
§ 16: 8 Personen § 32: 16 Personen
1. Šābuhr the Hargbed 1. Šābuhr the Hargbed [NPi II a 3]
2. and Narseh the Prince, son of
2. and Pērōz the Prince [NPi II a 4]
3. [and] Pābag the bidaxš 3. and Narseh the Prince, son of Sāsān [NPi II a 5]
4. and Ardašīr the Hazārbed 4. and Pābag the bidaxš [NPi II a 6]
5. and Raxš the General 5. and Ardašīr the Hazārbed [NPi II a 7]
6. and Ardašīr [Surēn] 6. and Ardašīr Surēn [NPi II a 8]
7. and Ohrmazd Warāz 7. and Ohrmazd Warāz [NPi II a 9]
8. (and) fr (?), Lord von Undīgān 8. (and) *Warhāndād (?), Lord von
[NPi II a 10]
9. and Kirdēr the Mowbed of Ohrmazd [NPi II a 11]
10. and [...]z-narseh Kāren [NPI II a 12]
11. and Pērōz-Šābuhr [NPi II a 13]
12. and Raxš the General [NPi II a 14]
13. and Ardašīr Tahmšābuhr [NPi II a 15]
14. and Ādur-Farrbay [= Ādur-Farrōbay] [NPi II a 16]
15. [..., and...] Secretary of Finances [NPi II a 17]
16. and J̌ōygird the Cupbearer [NPi II a 18]
§§ 33-62: 8 Personen §§ 63-91: keine Personen
1. Wahrām, King of Sakas [NPi II b 1]
2. Wahnām, son of Tatrus [NPi II b 2]
3. Ādur-Farrōbay, King of Mēšān [NPi II b 3]
4. Ardašīr the Hazārbed [NPi II b 4]
5. Warhāndād (?), Lord von Undīgān [NPi II b 5]
6. Narseh (?) ī Abzūd-xwarrah [NPi II b 6]
7. Narseh ZY Bayšābuhr [NPi II b 7]
8. Bay-Šābuhr, the Landholder [NPi II b 8]
§ 92: 22 Personen § 93: 16 Personen
1. And the King of Kušān [NPi III 1] 1. and king Pakur Nāhubed of Dahestān [NPi III 22]
2. [and]rān [...] Aspnay (?) [NPi III 2] 2. and Razmāgōy Šambīdagān [NPi III 23]
3. and the King of Xwārizm [NPi III 3] 3. [and ...] Satārap Lord of Dumbāwand [NPi III 24]
4. and D/Zāmadīgp[utr ?] the [...]bed
of Kwšd'n
[NPi III 4] 4. and Razmāgōy Lord of Sāxwal (?) [NPi III 25]
5. and Pgrgmbk [...]bly [NPi III 5] 5. [and] Pūrāsmān Lord of Mūgān [NPi III 26]
6. and Warāz-(...) of Rāmān [NPi III 5a] 6. Bād Lord of Zōrad (?) [NPi III 27]
7. and Sēd (?) the Šyk'n of Harēw [NPi III 6] 7. and Mihrxwāst Lord of Borsip (?) [NPi III 28]
8. and Pāk Mehmān [NPi III 7] 8. and Zanāygān [Lord ?] of [...]'ldp [NPi III 29]
9. and Birwān Špandwardān [NPi III 8] 9. and Kwl' [...], ..., [NPi III 30]
10. and the King of Pāradān [NPi III 9] 10. and Warahrām Lord of Mošk [NPi III 31]
11. and King Rāzgurd [NPi III 10] 11. and Narseh Lord of Antioch [NPi III 32]
12. and King Pndplnk [NPi III 11] 12. and the Lord of Lāšom [NPi III 33]
13. and the King of Makurān [NPi III 12] 13. and Wld.y Lord of Čš [NPi III 34]
14. and the King of Tūrān [NPi III 13] 14. and the Lord [of ...] [NPi III 35]
15. [and] the King [..., [NPi III 14] 15. and Xradǰōy Lord of Lāk/Anzān (?) [NPi III 36]
16. and] the King of
[NPi III 15] 16. and Mālux King of Aštbwn'n [NPi III 37]
17. and the King of Mskyt'n [NPi III 16]
18. and the King of Iberia [NPi III 17]
19. and the King of Sigān [NPi III 18]
20. and King Tirdād [NPi III 19]
21. and Amru King of the Lahmids [NPi III 20]
22. and Amru king of the Abgars (?) [NPi III 21]
Tabelle 1: Personenlisten der Pāikūlī-Inschrift §§ 16-9315
13 Nach H.Humbach/P.O.Skjaervø, NPi 3.1(1983) §§ 16; 32; 33-62; 92-93. - C.G.Cereti/G.Terribili, The
Middle Persian and Parthian Inscriptions on the Paikuli Tower. New Blocks and Preliminary Studies.
In: Iranica Antiqua 49(2014) 347-412 [in grüner Schrift].
14 Neufunde für die Pāikūlī-Inschrift vom Jahre 2022: C.G.Cereti, Epigraphic Findings at Paikuli (2018-
2019). A preliminary Study. In: Vicino Oriente XXVI(2022) 53-75; hier 69 § 92 und 93 [blau gedruckt].
Prosopographie des Sāsānidenreiches im 3. Jahrhundert n.Chr.
The Sassanian Inscription of Paikuli [NPi]
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Von den insgesamt 70 angegebenen Personen der Pāikūlī-Inschrift sind wegen der Überschneidun-
gen in den §§ 16 und 32 acht Personen abzuziehen = 62; in den §§ 33 - 62 sind aber nur sechs Per-
sonen abzuziehen: 3 Feinde Narsehs: Wahrām, König of Sakas, Wahnām, son of Tatrus, Ādur-
Farrōbay, King of Mēšān, und 2 Personen wegen mehrfacher Erwähnung: Ardašīr the Hazārbed und
*Warhāndād, Lord of Andēgān. Die sechste Person bezieht sich auf König Narseh selbst: Narseh ī
Abzūd-xwarrah. Von daher können 57 Personen der Pāikūlī-Inschrift zu den Anhängern König Nar-
sehs gezählt werden.
15 →Anmerkung Seite 10